The WDAA Exceptional Rider Program consists of 2 divisions.

Physically Challenged division
Therapeutic division

  • Physically Challenged Division classes use standard WDAA tests. This division is open to individuals with a diagnosed significant physical disability. Riders in this division may have a caller, but are not able to have a coach or sidewalker. A WDAA Statement of Eligibility for Exceptional Rider Classes form (see link below) is required to show in these classes at WDAA recognized shows.
  • Therapeutic Rider Division classes use WDAA Therapeutic Rider tests. This division is open to individuals with a diagnosed physical, social, or emotional disability. A WDAA Statement of Eligibility for Exceptional Rider Classes form is required to show in these classes at WDAA recognized shows.

Exceptional riders may not cross enter between Physically Challenged and Therapeutic classes. This program is not part of the USEF rulebook; classes are held as Exhibition classes at USEF-licensed shows. Participants still must abide by all USEF regulations pertaining to attire, tack, and equipment. Reference GR120 for additional information.